
What Type of Water Filter Do I Need?

So, you’ve decided to invest in a water filter – or perhaps even a home water filtration system – then you browse what’s on offer. This is the point where many get confused.

You might be well aware that your current water supply is inadequate (and you’re certainly not alone here), but you probably haven’t thought too much about what is going to replace it beyond “getting a filter”. And all these problems can be subsumed under just one – a general dissatisfaction with American municipal tap water.

Pale Blue Earth, a tech company producing home battery solutions such as USB 9V rechargeable smart batteries, say that the latest water filters are all part of the advancing trend towards holistic high-tech home solutions.

Water and other utility problems have driven this, but so too has a generally increased desire to decrease waste and protect the planet. We can certainly see this as a positive development.

From lead contamination in homes with older plumbing to heavy metal contamination in some locations in the country, there are many reasons why your tap water might not be up to scratch.

The Alternative to Water Filters

Before going on tips to help you pick a water filter, it is worth first covering the alternative water sources that you might select instead of a filter. In some cases, this (instead of any filter) might be the best option for you. But what are they?

One particularly popular choice is a water well. This is an investment, of course, but it is not much more expensive than a home water filtration system. The great benefit of a water well is that you draw water from a level of the earth deep enough to avoid the many surface contaminants, such as pesticides and many others, which can infect municipal water supplies.

The downside is that you will have to install it yourself, test the water yourself, and maintain it yourself. It also might not be possible if you don’t have a suitable groundwater source nearby.

Another option is to invest in alternative water products that come in bottles, these can include familiar products like mineral water, or it could be more advanced health products like hydrogen water machines. This is a way not only to sort health issues with your water, but to reap health benefits beyond what is possible with uncontaminated tap water.

Which Filter is for Me?

But, if you are going with a water filter, here follows the main candidates and when they are appropriate:

Water Filter Pitchers

These are simply pitchers with a basic mechanical or reverse osmosis water filter built in. You fill it up with tap water and pour out filtered water to drink or cook with. They are inexpensive, but somewhat slow at filtering and must be replaced regularly.

Refrigerator Filters

These, as you might expect, come built-in to your fridge, and are normally connected to the fridge’s ice maker too. This type of filter is more expensive (the price of a high-tech fridge) but is reliable and perfectly suitable for drinking needs.

Home Filtration System

Installing these is a work of plumbing, as the filtration will take place in the pipes themselves and your taps will dispense filtered water. Such filtration systems are expensive, but they offer the best complete home filtration system, which is the easiest to use and will provide you with the most filtered water fastest.

You should analyze your budget and the extent of your existing water problems before you decide on a filter. After you have done that, the correct choice should become obvious.

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